Virginia to America

10-Part Web Series, Multi-Seasonal Film Production

Virginia to America is a 10-part web series produced for Virginia Tourism. This series features unexpected, lesser-known stories about the past and present.

This series ties Virginia’s rich history with the present narratives defining our nation’s future. We interviewed activists who staged a walk-out of their segregated school in 1951 and sued the county in a case that led to Brown v. Board of Education. We followed oyster farmers on Tangier Island who have seen their community’s culture and economy shift with the forces of change that are slowly pulling their island back into the Chesapeake Bay. In Southwest Virginia, we documented the diverse cultural influences that international migrants brought to this region when they came to work at the coal mines.

The series was distributed on Facebook, YouTube, and other social media channels. 

Produced by Orange Frame Productions in partnership with Virginia Tourism.


Our American Evolution


The Last Ice